Label creator

Dear visitors, I am Thierry Gaillard, the thinking person behind Conscious Time Label. For decades (3), as a psychotherapist, I have been helping people, but now I belive it’s time to adress the collective and civilisation problem of environmental issues. What’s the use of helping people when the very basic conditions of their environment becomes a threat ?

The political, moral and economical ways adressing the environmental issues generally focuss on the “futur solutions”, rarely on the origins and the causes. To do so, we need to consider another way, a “conscious way” ! In that perspectif, it is first about becoming conscious of the situation and of its origins, mainly issued from, precisely, a lack of consciousness, or unconscious behaviors.

How many time was I struck by the “solutions” policicals and media are stressing out without any reflexions on the causes ! So what aboute the causes of violence, of wars, of polution, of transgenerational inheritances of the debt, accumulating over the generation, so many topics that relates to a lack of consciousness ! So now…Conscious Times !

This project is also your project if you feel solidarity with the three belonging standards: restoring a better relationship with the environment, getting out of debt for future generations, favoring non-polluting practices.

Eventually, I’d like to set up an NGO to take over the management of this label and the search for the funding needed to develop it.

It was for my own needs that I had the idea of creating this label, in order to facilitate the “match” between the general public and professionals, a match not simply based on theories and school allegiances, but on more global values, and in particular concerning current issues around environmental debt, sustainability and pollution.

It was through my extensive research into depth psychology, drawing inspiration from ancient wisdoms and traditional cultures, that I came to understand the importance of the psychological factor in the multiple symptoms our (sick) civilization is experiencing today. It’s also the polluter who needs to be cured, and not just seeking to compensate for the consequences of his unconsciousness.